Silk Road Logo 464

Oriental carpets, Oriental rugs, Hand-woven Decorative Tapestries, and more

Johnny 299

John N. Hauschild has spent the past 50 years involved with buying, selling, cleaning and repairing of handwoven Oriental and Tribal Rugs. While the retail shop known as Silk Road, and for a time East-West, is no longer open in Ashland, OR, John continues to act on behalf of old clients, and new ones that come along, to find that ‘next’ special piece or maintain the prized possessions they already own.

Please call or email anytime for information on the rugs that are currently available for sale or the schedule for cleaning & repairing your rugs. Appraisal and consultation services are also available.

Silk Road • PO Box 43. •. Ashland, OR 97520